DNS – Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization


DNS – Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, is a framework applied to exercise and rehabilitation that was developed at The Prague School of Rehabilitation based at Charles University.

The DNS approach views the way we move our bodies through the lens of motor control, i.e. how your nervous system formulates ‘movement patterns’. There is a strong focus on how ‘movement patterns’ naturally emerge in humans from birth and how the movement ‘blueprint’ we were born with, guides and influences posture, function and our ability to move our body through space.

DNS addresses the body as a collection of dynamic systems, considering that the region of pain and/or dysfunction is often the ‘victim’ rather than the ‘culprit’.

For this reason, it has been proven to be very effective where injury, pain or dysfunction is chronic and/or complex, finding a path forward where other treatment approaches have failed. It has also proven to be a strong determinant of injury prevention and improved physical performance, gaining significant traction in professional sports including AFL, Surfing, Tennis and Ice Hockey.

The EP Group is a DNS hub in Melbourne. Several of our practitioners are training with and accredited by the Prague School of Rehabilitation and we regularly host DNS training courses for Practitioners. We offer a spectrum of DNS-based services from individual rehabilitation programs through to sport-specific performance enhancement programs. We run weekly DNS exercise classes and conduct regular workshop intensives to help our clients take the benefits of DNS training to a higher level.

For more information on DNS, turn your attention to our blog posts, send us an email or give our team a call.

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