Does your pain stop with you? – The Exercise Physiology Group – Melbourne

Have you ever stopped to think about who else your injury or pain condition might be affecting? The fact is, there are other people in your life that get a raw deal from your symptoms.

When did you last kick a ball around with your kids or grandchildren in one of Melbourne’s lovely parks? When was the last time you took a long walk with your partner? When did you last make it through a film with friends without having to get out of the chair and walk around to relieve your discomfort? If your answer was something along the lines of ‘a long time’ to any of these questions, that should be impetus enough to make a change.

If you can change your mindset from ‘how can I avoid this pain’ to ‘how can I tame this pain’, you will be well on the way to an empowering solution. At the Exercise Physiology Group, we can guide you through your first steps to freedom. We develop treatment plans based around you. We treat your cause and your symptoms with relation to the activities you enjoy and your tasks in everyday living.
We understand the complexities of your condition and we are guided by world’s best practice and the latest research. Let us help you get to those after work drinks, see the whole movie with your friends, take the family out for dinner or maybe even kick the footy again with your children.
Do yourself and everyone around you a favour! You are a phone-call away from lifting the burden of pain from your shoulders, your family’s shoulders and your friends shoulders. There is no better time than today.

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