Work-Related Neck Pain

Do you suffer neck pain at work? Join the club that almost half of the population belong to! Acute or chronic neck pain and postural tension associated with occupational activities cause repetitive strain injuries and cumulative trauma. Musculoskeletal disorders like these are a major burden in the workplace with their prevalence affecting up to 49% of today’s workers. Employees in the domains of Hospitals and Personal Care are most at risk of developing neck pain due to the inherent job tasks and badly engineered physical procedures put in place in an attempt to reduce physical strain. Passively treating your pain with a myriad of painkillers, anti-inflammatory medication and other related drugs, manipulation, heat and cold therapies, injections and other forms of treatment are not stand-alone options for long-term relief. In fact, these therapies form an insignificant component of a successful long-term treatment and prevention plan. At the Exercise Physiology Group we target the mechanical source for your postural inefficiencies. We actively work with you through drug-free forms of corrective exercises, therapeutic movements and muscle activation techniques that are based on the latest occupational rehabilitation research. If you have neck pain and you’re not doing anything to correct the underlying mechanical issue, there is a very good chance that it will progressively get worse. Do something about it today and call the Exercise Physiology Group. We operate from various locations around Melbourne and we have a home visit service.

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